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NPFDA 2024 Fall Meeting in Tucson, AZ

Sunday, September 15, 2024 to Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Event Details

Get ready to build connections and catch up with friends, peers, customers and vendors. Join other protein leaders at the National Protein & Food Distributors Association Fall Meeting! In addition to amazing speakers, our always popular industry round tables provide insightful discussion about the protein industry today.  There will be an abundance of networking opportunities including outdoor adventures, receptions and activities for camaraderie and networking.

Sponsorship information is available here. 

Hotel:  Loew's Ventana Canyon Resort: Relax and recharge at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, a luxury resort in Tucson. Whether you explore the best of Tucson or enjoy the stunning Catalina Mountain range, you can consider us your desert oasis.  Hotel reservations are available here or by calling 877-879-2020.

NPFDA expects each member to:

Conduct themselves in such a way as to bring credit to the member and NPFDA.

Refrain from activities that might adversely reflect on the reputation and integrity of NPFDA.

For More Information:

Cece Corbin
Cece Corbin
Outgoing President/CEO National Protein & Food Distributors Association (NPFDA) (770)535-9901

  The NPFDA 2024 Fall Meeting Schedule of Events (Tentative) can be viewed herePlease visit the event app for the latest information.

Unless otherwise noted, all events take place at the Loew's Ventana Canyon Resort.

Featured Speakers:

Scott Dunn                                Logan Johnston

Supervisory Special Agent, FBI         Intelligence Analyst, FBI


Cargo Theft: An FBI Perspective: The primary objective of the FBI’s cargo theft program is to develop and implement coordinated, proactive strategies to target criminal enterprises engaged in systematic and/or violent cargo thefts. Cargo theft has an adverse economic impact, including a negative impact on the retail supply chain, disruptive nature on the flow of commerce, and the potential for significant health and safety implications, focused on a concern for the theft of food and beverage consumables, health and beauty aids, and prescription and over-the-counter medicines and pharmaceuticals. The FBI maintains an extensive network of industry liaisons in every genre of the transportation industry who have supposed many cases and operations.



Larry Long Jr.

Larry Long Jr., CEO (Chief Energy Officer) of LLJR Enterprises, serves global audiences with messages of motivation, inspiration and transformation. His message, “JOLT! Rediscover and Believe in Your Inner Greatness”, helps you get unstuck and back on track to not only discovering your inner greatness, but embracing and living in it wholeheartedly.