NPFDA helps you build relationships and a thriving business. Connect, Grow, Thrive by joining NPFDA today!  Current dues are $650 per year ($370 for Institution/Educator).

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All applicants agree to adhere to NPFDA's Code of Ethics and Anti-Trust Compliance Policies. 


Member companies that primarily distribute fresh, frozen and or further processed foods including meats, vegetables, seafood to paper products, sauces and/or more to retail meat markets, super markets, independent restaurants, national restaurants, food service and institutions.

Join as Distributor


Food Broker/Traders are independent sales agents or companies that work in negotiating sales for food producers and manufacturers. Food brokers work for both producers and buyers of food as they help sell food products to chain wholesalers, independent wholesalers and more. Many of these agents and companies are also helpful in exporting or importing food products.  Does not include Transportation Brokers (Allied Member Type).

Join as Broker/Trader


Processing Companies are involved in preparation of meat for consumption by humans. Processor Members slaughter, eviscerate, and process under U.S Department of Agriculture inspection. Most processors are vertically integrated handling the product through marketing and sales to Distributors and Broker/Traders, buyers.

Join as Processor

Allied Firms

All Member Companies that are not Distributors, Processors, or Broker/Traders. Many allied member firms tend to include Cold Storage and Freezer Services, Energy and Transportation Savings Partners, Software/Hardware companies, Publishing, Credit and Price Reporting companies. A large majority of allied member companies provide Transportation of any kind including Refrigerated (fresh or frozen) Trucking, Air Freight, Ocean Shipping, Intermodal and Rail Transportation/Logistics. Any and all Refrigerated methods of getting products to domestic retail, foodservice and Import/Export; and includes transportation Brokers of the same. 

Join as Allied Firms


Member companies that primarily break cases and/or further process product and then distribute product to the end retailer including fresh, frozen and further processed foods including meats, vegetables, seafood to paper products, sauces and/or more to retail meat markets, super markets, independent restaurants, national restaurants, food service and institutions.

Join as Processor/Distributor


Institutions of higher learning and/or education professionals that research, educate, and advance the protein and food science industry.

Join as Institution/Educator