Photo of Cook International Trade & Brokerage

Cook International Trade & Brokerage

(904) 242-2944

Organization Overview

With over 20 years in the business, Cook specializes in the raw material segment of the protein industry primarily supplying further processors in the USA and China. Being strategically located in Florida allows Cook International a competitive advantage in shipping consolidated containers to the Caribbean and Central America. Cook International is a diverse group of traders speaking five (5) different languages with backgrounds in logistics, production, banking and culinary arts.

Number of Employees:
Dan Cook President
Ian Thacker
Ian Thacker Senior Trader/Broker
Macy Graben
Shawn Riddle
NPFDA Logo Broker/Trader

Products & Services
Beef, Chicken, Pork, Poultry, Seafood, Vegetables, Broker/Trader
Areas of Expertise