Photo of Urner Barry by Expana

Urner Barry by Expana

(732) 240-5330

Organization Overview

Urner Barry is a business publisher specializing in the timely, accurate and unbiased reporting of market news and quotations to clients in the poultry, egg, meat, seafood and related segments of the food industry through a variety of print and non-print media. Serving the United States and Internationally.
Number of Employees: 65

Russ Whitman
Russ Whitman Director of Market Reporting, Americas
Allison Berry
Ami McCain Marketing Campaign Manager
Ashley Leonard Senior Account Manager
Ben Cronin
Bill Smith
Chris Fastiggi Event & Content Producer
Dylan Hughes
Dylan Hughes Senior Market Reporter Poultry - North America
Elliot Holgate Latin American Analyst, FeedInfo
Elsi Rodewald
Evan Fritsche Sales
Gary Morrison Principal Reporter, Beef
Heather McGuire Doyle Analyst
Jeff Evans
Joe Muldowney Chief Market Reporting Officer
Karyn Rispoli Managing Editor, Egg Price-Current
Leah Norridge Sales
Matt Busardo Team Lead, US Poultry Reporting
Paola Sierra Avendano Sales
Randy Pesciotta Principal Reporter, Egg Market
Ryan Hojnowski Market Reporter, Eggs
NPFDA Logo Allied Firms

Products & Services
Price Reporting-Mkt Forecasting
Areas of Expertise
Supplier (CS, Other)